We are excited to welcome Adrian Flak to Vibe Health as a Senior Software Developer! Most recently, Adrian was a full stack software engineer at Optum where he focused on software development on the payer side of the healthcare industry.
We sat down with Adrian to learn more about him, and in true eVideon fashion… whether he favors coffee or tea!
Q. Tell us a little about yourself
I am a lifelong Minnesotan and currently resides in Minneapolis with my wife, Amber, and our two cats, Guillermo (pictured) and Fi. I am always open to learning new things and I’m passionate about software and what the software engineering industry can do for society.
Q. Previously you worked at Optum which is focused on the payer side of healthcare, what made you decide you wanted a career on the provider side of the industry?
I prefer working on projects with direct impact on people rather than numbers. This was a good culture fit for me.
Q. What excites you about joining the eVideon team?
The culture and the opportunity to be part of a growing company. In this role, I’ll get to be involved in all areas of software development, which means contributing to existing products and future developments to come – that’s exciting!
Q. What can you be found doing when you’re not in the office?
My wife and I are in our second year of homeownership, with no shortage of projects. I spend most days working on house and yard projects … or buying supplies to work on house and yard projects. I also keep up with friends by hosting a virtual watch party every Friday with a bad horror movie – it’s something we started during the pandemic and has just become a fun routine!
Q. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? How has that changed or stayed the same?
I wanted to be a Ninja Turtle… what kid my age didn’t?! They ate pizza every day, talked funny, and each had a unique and pretty cool set of skills. Since I’m not a turtle, I had to pivot my aspirations quickly.
Q. What’s your favorite food?
Pizza… heavily influenced by my previously mentioned desire to be a Ninja Turtle!
Q. Where is the one place you’d like to visit?
I’d choose the Trans-Siberian Railway - is a network of railways connecting Western Russia to the Russian Far East. I don’t have a particular reason for this choice other that I don’t know much about it and find it intriguing (and it’s fun to say).
Q. Are you a coffee or tea drinker? Do you have a favorite place to enjoy a cup?
Both. I prefer to enjoy them at home.
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