We're excited to welcome Jared Burton to the Vibe Health team as our Application Support Engineer where he will be focused on providing continuous technical support to our valued Customer base.
Previously, Jared worked as a Data Manager in the Neuroscience Department at the University of Michigan where he was responsible for data integrity and analysis for various MRI research studies. Jared holds a B.S. in Psychology from Utah Valley University.
We sat down with Jared to learn more about his background and hobbies, and, in keeping with our tradition... learning whether he favors coffee or tea!
Q. Tell us a little about yourself:
I recently moved back to Colorado, where I spent most of my teenage years. I love being outdoors – hiking, snowboarding, waterskiing, etc. – with my partner and dog, Maisey, a 2-year-old lab mix, though I also enjoy my inside days playing music or role playing games like Dungeons & Dragons.
Q. Previously you worked in academic research, what made you decide on a position in healthcare technology?
While I enjoyed the work that I contributed to in an academic research setting, I realized the parts of the job that I enjoyed most were making things work for others and making their jobs a little bit easier. I love that I'm now able to do that for the hard-working hospital staff that we support!
Q. What excites you about joining the Vibe Health team at eVideon?
This has been a great opportunity for me as I've gone through my career shift, and I get such great support from my coworkers as I take in all this new information. I also feel a good deal of satisfaction when I get to solve whatever problems come up.
Q. What can you be found doing when you’re not in the office?
I like reading, playing music, hiking, biking, and playing games. I’m hoping to put more Colorado 14ers (58 peaks over 14,000 feet) under my belt over the summer!
Q. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? How has that changed or stayed the same?
Honestly, I'm not really sure! I liked being helpful and I liked learning new things when I was younger, and I kind of jumped around a lot with what interested me week to week – math, science, music, etc. I don't think that's changed too much; it's just which one ends up with a paycheck. 😊
Q. What’s your favorite food?
Strong tie between a good taco/burrito or a nice plate of pasta.
Q. Where is the one place you’d like to visit?
New Zealand!
Q. Are you a coffee or tea drinker? Do you have a favorite place to enjoy a cup?
I've recently come to appreciate a cup of tea before bedtime, I think coffee is downright horrible!
Think you'd be a good fit for the Vibe Health team? Explore the open positions on our careers page or contact us to learn more!