Reimagining Patient Care and Clinical Workflow: The Essential Role of Smart Hospital Rooms

Written by: Erin Pangallo, MS, BSN, RN, Director of Partner Success at eVideon

Smart hospital rooms are becoming integral to healthcare, driving improvements in both patient care and the efficiency of clinical operations. As technology continues to permeate every aspect of healthcare, the design and implementation of smart hospital rooms are proving to be vital in addressing some of the most pressing challenges faced by clinical teams today. 

During a recent webinar with our partners at the Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design (NIHD), my colleague Jason Friedman, VP of Sales, and I explored how smart room technology is transforming both the delivery and experience of care. Check out these key takeaways to stay up to date on the latest applications of this innovative technology.

3 Reasons Smart Room Technology Can't Be Overlooked by Hospital Leaders

  1. Real-Time Information Exchange: One of the most significant benefits of smart room technology is the enhancement of communication. In a hospital setting, access to timely and accurate information can make a critical difference. We integrate with a variety of installed systems to ensure that everyone involved in the patient's care is aligned – from multiple EHRs, to meal ordering, patient education, RTLS, telehealth vendors, and more – our extensive list of integration partners enables hospitals to reduce the risk of errors and improve the overall quality of care. Smart room technology facilitates smooth communication between patients, families, and care teams, contributing to a more coordinated and highly reliable care environment.
  2. Personalized Care Experiences: Patient engagement is another area where smart room technology excels. Hospitals are increasingly recognizing the importance of involving patients and their families in the care process, which is why 52% of healthcare CIOs said patient engagement is top priority. Smart hospital rooms are designed to provide a more personalized, convenient, and interactive experience, allowing patients to be more engaged in their own care journey. This not only helps patients feel more informed and in control, but also aids in better health outcomes. By delivering tailored information and enabling patients to interact with their care plans, smart room technology fosters a more collaborative and patient-centered approach to healthcare.
  3. Improved Clinical Workflow: Smart hospital rooms are also pivotal in improving clinical workflow by allowing for more efficient information sharing. The integration of advanced technology promotes the use of automation to reduce the burden of manual tasks on clinical staff, particularly nurses. Research & consulting firm McKinsey estimates that 15% of time spent during a nurse's 12-hour shift could be saved through tech enablement or improved delegation. By eliminating repetitive and redundant tasks, we enable nurses to spend more time with patients at the bedside. Moreover, improved clinical efficiency boosts nurse satisfaction by enabling them to operate at the top of their clinical expertise, restoring joy and purpose to their daily lives.

Amplifying the Voice of the Nurse in Smart Hospital Projects 

Nurses play a critical role in the design and implementation of technology that directly impacts their daily work and patient care. Their unique insights and hands-on experience make them essential contributors to the development process, ensuring that new technologies are not only functional but also user-friendly and aligned with the realities of clinical practice. By actively participating in design discussions, nurses provide invaluable feedback and help to create tools that genuinely enhance their ability to deliver high-quality care. Their involvement ensures that technology solutions address the specific challenges nurses face, ultimately leading to improved clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

As frontline caregivers, nurses are instrumental in the successful adoption of new technologies. They possess the expertise to train and mentor their colleagues on how to use these tools effectively, ensuring smooth integration into everyday practices. By fostering a culture of collaboration and adaptability, nurses help to bridge the gap between technology and patient care, promoting an environment where innovation thrives. 


Smart room technology is improving healthcare by addressing key issues such as communication, patient engagement, and clinical workflow. eVideon supports this progress by listening closely to their partners and adapting their solutions to fit the needs of different hospitals. As an increasing number of hospitals adopt smart room technology, the future of healthcare is evolving to be more connected and responsive to the needs of both patients and clinicians, with eVideon serving as a trusted and reliable partner in this progress.

To hear how institutions like OhioHealth, Northwell Health, and Valley Health are leveraging the Vibe Health smart room platform to redesign care, watch the complete webinar >