eVideon’s features increase HCAHPS scores, reduce preventable readmissions, support patient compliance with safety protocols and medication adherence.
Patient satisfaction is key to so many aspects of healthcare, from HCAHPS scores and reimbursement dollars to reducing readmissions. eVideon gives hospital administrators a powerful communication tool for delivering patient education and entertainment, assessing patient comprehension and overall satisfaction.
The system collects meaningful data aiding in the development of quality initiatives, efficiencies, streamlining of workflows, measuring the effectiveness of education materials and patient feedback in real time.
eVideon eliminates confusion and makes information and communication between your hospital staff – nurse, clinicians, doctors – and patients easier. As a communications tool, the system enhances the patient’s sense of comfort, control and satisfaction by involving them in their own care.
Automating the documentation of patient education viewing and assessments, as well as education assignments with your hospital’s EHR, reduces the time nurses spend on selecting and delivering education. Not only does eVideon help clinicians better engage, educate and assess a patient prior to discharge, it creates more time for patient care.
If a patient watches a video on a specific topic, it gives them an introduction to the procedure, condition, medication, home care and/or lifestyle change. This allows the doctor to spend less time covering the basics, so they can go more in depth into the topic with the patient. eVideon helps ensure a patient understands their condition and is prepared, while strengthening the doctor-patient relationship.
When patients’ needs are addressed, and they feel reassured, they have a better experience. Since reporting began, the average national response of ‘Always’ to questions about hospital experience, including responsiveness has improved from 60 percent to 68 percent. This is the result of enhancements in nurse call technology.
eVideon gives the clinical team immediate knowledge of a patient’s uncertainty about medications or condition, allowing them to quickly respond.
Route service requests to the appropriate staff members to increase responsiveness and bypass unnecessary staff involvement.
Does Andrea in Room 300 need a blanket? Hospitals may have areas where the temperature varies; interactive surveys let staff know when patients need room temperature adjustments, so they can rest comfortably.
Resting and comfort are two simple, yet important parts of the healing process. Use patient survey results to uncover times of day that are noisy or squeaky carts that need replacing. Surveys can be a leading indicator of patient satisfaction scores and provide a proactive means to improve a patient’s perception before they leave the hospital.
Reduce staff needs, while increasing accuracy and timeliness by integrating your nutrition services software into eVideon. Patients and families can order meals, snacks and guest trays right from their bed.
When the patient takes a post-educational assessment, it allows the nurse to uncover potential causes for readmissions and opportunities to reinforce learning before discharge. Assessments help ensure a patient’s understanding of the materials while reinforcing the main points of their care.
Patients send messages to clinical staff and receive a response on their screen, which helps with pain management. Clinical staff also use interactive surveys to monitor and manage a patient’s pain. The results: Patients are more actively engaged in their care and aware of their condition and progress. They are also reassured that their concerns will be addressed quickly.
To help with relaxation, Harmonia uses the beauty of nature combined with musical compositions to provide escape. It takes the patient on an audio/visual journey that improves mood, reduces stress and anxiety and promotes feelings of well-being.
Did you know that this is one of the lowest scoring HCAHPS questions nationwide? Since the average adult reads at about the seventh grade level, some patients can struggle with comprehending written instructions for taking their medication. When information is delivered in an understandable format, like videos, it increases safety and lowers readmittance rates. eVideon can improve this score in a number of ways:
eVideon’s content providers offer medication education that can help improve medication adherence, which can be accessed on demand, in the hospital or at home. We can help your health system develop libraries of on demand patient education videos and interactive learning tools on safely taking medications.
Studies show that on average, 20 percent of prescriptions are going unfilled. When they do get filled, only about 50 percent of medications are taken as prescribed, which can lead to readmissions. First Fill prescription allows patients to fill their prescription before discharge, leading to increased medication adherence.
Patient education is also an important part of patient satisfaction. A recent study in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons shows that patients who did not feel prepared for discharge report lower levels patient satisfaction. The study found that only 62 percent of the patients who didn’t feel ready for discharge said their healthcare experience was satisfactory. This can also impact a hospital’s HCHAPS scores. eVideon’s on demand patient education and interactive learning tools help clinicians educate and assess a patient before discharge.
When patients are engaged and educated throughout the process, including after they return home, they experience better outcomes with fewer readmissions. Watching patient education videos at home can help with medication adherence, lifestyle changes and more. This can impact patient satisfaction and lower costs.
Hospitals see an immediate increase in patient satisfaction after implementing an eVideon IPTV system. Patients have so many choices for healthcare. Make your hospital their first choice by providing five-star, in-room entertainment and progressive technology, while freeing clinicians to provide a personalized experience for patients and their families.