At eVideon, we have always been a company that helps digitize and virtualize the delivery of education and even care itself. We now find ourselves in the midst of an unprecedented challenge - supporting our client partners to help them treat as many people as effectively as they can, while containing the spread of the virus and keeping their own teams healthy.
During this pandemic, we have remained in constant communication with our client partners. Together, all of us are learning new things about how to leverage technology, and what’s possible. We wanted to share with you, the greater healthcare community, some of the ways our client partners are getting creative to better serve the public. We sincerely hope these ideas can help you in some small way in your own organizations.
1. Education is key. It’s a quick, easy, and inexpensive (or even free) way to help your patient populations. While we’ve been working diligently with our client partners to update their patient home screens and education libraries with COVID-19 information, any facility can apply the same principles. The CDC has free educational resources you can display in waiting rooms or other public areas.

2. Update your signage to display important COVID-19 information, procedures, and precautions to your staff, patients, and visitors.

3. Where available, encourage your patients to use digital services rather than paper menus/booklets and human resources. Now is the time to embrace push-button requests and digital services if they’re available in your facility.
4. Leverage virtual visits where possible.
5. Check in with your patients using surveys. We’re working with our client partners to trigger alerts if a patient feels the situation is being handled poorly so they can react with real-time service recovery. If you’re using a digital survey tool, this can be a powerful way to give patients a voice and help them to know you’re listening and you care.
6. Embrace the effects of distraction therapy. Remind patients of the entertainment and relaxation options available to them so they can stay as stress-free as possible. And don’t forget your staff! They can benefit from distraction therapy too. Setting up areas where staff can take a break and recharge can benefit everyone.
While healthcare is on the front lines helping us through this, we remain at the virtual “front lines” to help healthcare. We are working with our current client partners to help them take the steps outlined above and support them in any way we can. Take care of yourselves and each other.

For more information, please contact Claire Pfarr at claire.pfarr@evideon.com or listen to our previously recorded Virtual Press Conference.