eVideon Leads Three Sessions on Advances in Smart Room Technology
Spotlights include Tampa General Hospital's 'Room of the Future' and technology integration best practices
GRAND RAPIDS, MI – March 7, 2022 – (HIMSS Booth # 5077) Hospitals across the nation are turning to smart room technology to close essential communication gaps, enhance the patient experience, and enable clinicians to focus more time on clinical care. At HIMSS22 Global Health Conference & Exhibition in Orlando, Jason Swoboda, PT, Director of Emerging Technologies and Health Innovation at Tampa General Hospital, and expert leadership from eVideon – a leader in interactive patient engagement and digital workflow solutions who recently announced its Vibe Health platform – will share compelling presentations on these topics as the headlining sponsor of the Consumerism/Patient Engagement Pavilion.
Join eVideon’s industry experts at the following sessions, located in the Consumerism / Patient Engagement Pavilion Theater (Hall C):
- Defining the Patient Room of the Future – Tuesday, March 15, 10:45am – 11:05am – Scott King, CTO, eVideon – A tech-enabled patient room provides next-level hospitality for a great experience, but it can also serve as an extension of the care team and enable clinicians to spend more time on clinical care. Scott will explore the technology and smart room integrations powering today's patient room of the future.
- Implementing Smart Room Technology: A Roadmap for Success – Wednesday, March 16, 12:45pm – 1:05pm – Jason Swoboda, Director of Emerging Technologies and Health Innovation, Tampa General Hospital and Andy Figallo, VP, Partner Success, eVideon– Jason and Andy will share a framework that Tampa General and other hospital partners have used for successful implementation.Hear best practices and lessons learned to inform implementation strategy, including tips for engaging clinical stakeholders and planning tactics that optimize workflows.
- How Top Hospitals are Closing Communication Gaps – Thursday, March 17th 10:15am – 10:35am, Heather Wood, CPXP, VP, Clinical Innovation, eVideon. – Advances in technology have forever changed the way we communicate. Heather will share real-world examples of top hospitals who are using digital whiteboards, virtual visit technology, and more to make it easier for patients, families, and clinicians to access real-time health information that will improve care coordination, patient and employee satisfaction, and health outcomes.
eVideon representatives will also be on hand in the Patient Engagement / Consumerism Pavilion. Visit booth 5077 to interact with eVideon’s Vibe Health platform – including digital whiteboards, interactive TV software, digital door signs, and more.
About the Vibe Health platform
Insight digital whiteboards, Engage TV, and Aware digital door signs are all included in the comprehensive Vibe Health platform. Vibe Health builds on eVideon’s established success and national reputation as a trusted partner in providing custom software solutions to optimize clinical workflows. The platform leverages integrations with the hospital’s EMR and other technologies to provide access to accurate, real-time information across multiple devices. Automated service requests, education assignments, and documentation streamline clinical workflow--eliminating the administrative burden on nurses and empowering clinicians to spend more time on direct patient care. To learn more about Vibe Health by eVideon, visit https://www.evideon.com/vibe-health.
About eVideon
eVideon is the trusted partner to leading hospitals and health systems who are redefining the care experience for patients, families, and clinicians. The Vibe Health platform uses smart room technology to streamline clinical workflow and transform the patient room into an immersive environment.The platform with the hospital’s EMR and other installed technologies to display accurate, real-time information via an in-room TV, digital whiteboard, digital door sign and bedside tablet. With automated service requests, education assignments and documentation, the platform eliminates the technology burden on clinicians. Customizable features such as in-room surveys and video chat amplify the voice of the patient and enable hospital leaders to perform real-time service recovery. Find out why top-ranked hospitals are choosing eVideon: www.evideon.com
Media Contact
Susan Thwing