Room for Innovation in Digital Transformation
Written by John Lynn, Founder of Healthcare Scene
Digital Transformation is a huge buzz word in the world of healthcare at the moment. With the pandemic, we had to scramble to find a digital way to do many things in order to stay safe. So in a lot of ways, healthcare has been skyrocketed into the future, but there is still room for improvement. For some organizations, being rushed to find a digital solution has left certain areas unsupported. This rush also means that not all organizations have adopted the same practices that patients have grown to love and are now trying to catch up. So while we have made huge progress in the world of digital transformation, there is still much to do.
In order to get a grasp on what there still needs to be done or areas that can be improved, we reached out to our Healthcare IT Today Community to get their input. The following is what they had to say on digital innovations in digital transformation.
Scott King, Chief Technology Officer at Vibe Health by eVideon
Digital transformation is as much about modernizing the care environment as it is about improving the way healthcare consumers search for and find care. It requires us to train ourselves to not think about systems in isolation, but to always be asking how systems can work together to produce a better net effect. We must think outside the EMR, so to speak, and ask ourselves what else is possible now that we have this tool with robust data and workflows, what else can we do to transform the experience around us for our patients and our staff.
Read the full article in Healthcare IT Today.